
My Webcast Presentation

sábado, 11 de agosto de 2007


I found this really good webcast in Dynamic Graphics page. Here is the link if you want to see it:

This webcast is about a new cross –platform font file format developed jointly by Adobe and Microsoft. Adobe has converted the entire Adobe Type Library into this format and now offers thousands of OpenType fonts.

The two main benefits of the OpenType format are its cross-platform compatibility (the same font file works on Macintosh and Windows computers), and its ability to support widely expanded character sets and layout features, which provide richer linguistic support and advanced typographic control.

In my opinion, as a student of graphic design, fonts gives personality and life to every design, they are as important as color, content, and composition, and it’s scencial to the succses of all designs. No doubt that typography can turn a design from good to great!

Based on the foundations of type 1 and true type. It's like having this too formats in one .. Open type... which offers great flexibility an easy use.

For example, all of this fonts are cross platform, which means you can use the exactly same font on MAC and PC.

Every font contains a full set of characters, an a million of examples and different types for every phrase and letter. Besides, with open types font you don't have to change fonts if you change language, the exactly same font will work on different languages, it has multiple languages characters sets, that is one great and useful tool.

If you buy adobe creative suite 3. You will have a million of different fonts to chose from. This means that Adobe Indesign CS3, Adobe Photoshop CS3, and adobe Illustrator CS3 put together to give you multiples styles and a hundred of fonts. You will be able to chose a character and give it personality, you can chose automatically to apply ligatures for elegance, or even old style figures.

In a page full of text this will give your design a nice presentation, without boring the reader. For more information please check this very good webcast, it's very useful for graphic designers.

Leave your comments please!

viernes, 13 de julio de 2007

Job & Cover Letter


Company Name: Nathan King Design (NKDSN)
Location: Long Island City, NY; New York, NY
Category: Internet. New Media
Position type: Full-time, contract
Experience Required: At least 2 Years
Short Description: Web Graphic Designer
Required Skills: Web, Graphic Designer, e-commerce, banner ads, photoshop, illustrator, indesign, html, javascript, css,
Recruiter: Brian Thurman
Date Updated: 7/12/2007

What you need:

- 2 + years of web design experience
- Knowledge of html, css, javascript
- You have worked with photoshop, illustrator, and indesign
- User Interface skills interaction skills
- Package design knowledge a plus
- You are a creative thinker who can conceptualize the website functionality, using UI and navigation
- You like working in a team environment, great communication skills, highly motivated and have great design ideas

You will be responsible for

- Designing attractive web pages
- Creating emails to work with our marketing initiatives
- Creation of banner ads and all other marketing pieces

You will be rewarded with a competitive salary, paid vacations, benefits and a great work environment.


Dear Ms. Brian Thurman:

After reading your job offer I knew that was exactly what I was looking for: A great opportunity with a great company. I truly believe I have the skills you’re seeking and I would like for you to consider me for the position.

I've been doing works on my own; I have extensive knowledge and design experience creating web pages. I possess over 3 years of experience in this area. I enjoy having an excellent atmosphere at work, as well as being on a teem environment. I also have good knowledge in:
Interface & interaction.

And I’m the perfect person to design banners of all types. I'm highly motivated at all time, and I understand perfectly how to mix creativity and intelligence to conceptualize a website functionality using all my skills in different programs:

• UI
• Navigation
• Html
• JavaScript
• Css

And other formats like
• .exe
• .swf
• .mov

In addition, I have skills in other graphic design programs:

• Freehand
• Page maker
• Fireworks
• Flash
• Dreamweaver
• Auto-cad.

My resume is enclosed for your review. I would like the opportunity to work with such an excellent company as you. If you like to arrange an interview, I may be reached at 0414 – 6895369, or by e-mail: Thank you for your time and consideration.


Beatriz Colina

My Resume

Beatriz Colina
Cecilio Acosta 66A – 11A
Maracaibo, Venezuela
0414 – 6985362
0261 - 9856932


Graphic designer. Web graphic designer.


Grafik-Col. Inc. Ciudad Ojeda. Zulia State. Venezuela.
0265 - 8965236
Web Graphic designer
November 21/06 to February 10/07
Excellent experience in flash animations and knowledge in JavaScript.

Work-Graphics. Inc. Maracaibo. Zulia State. Venezuela.
0261 - 562596
Web Graphic Designer
March 13/06 to June 25/06
Html, UI, navigation, teem work and managed Website development.

Bytes-Designs. Inc. Maracaibo. Zulia State. Venezuela.
0261 - 6589745
Graphic Designer
April 23/05 to December 14/05
Corporative Identity, Logos, P.O.P material. Software & multimedias.


Page maker

Extracurricular Activities:
Graphic design Workshop. Merida. Merida State. Certificate.
Courses (Flash advantage, illustrator, and 3D Max). Certificate.
Graphic Journal WebSites Member.
Instructed adults during specialized classes of illustrator.
Package design courses. Certificate

Bachelor of Graphic Design.
September 2004 to July 2008.
Dr. Rafael Belloso Chacín University.
Maracaibo, Zulia state, Venezuela.


1. Tell me about yourself

2. Why did you leave your last job?

3. Are you a team player?

4. Why should we hire you?

5. What irritates you about co-workers?

6. What is more important to you: the money or the work?

7. Do your skills match this job or another job more closely?

8. What motivates you to do your best on the job?

9. If you had enough money to retire right now, would you?

10. Tell me about your dream job.

domingo, 8 de julio de 2007

Flying without wings

This video is for those who do the impossible things just to make their dreams come true. It's awfull to see how we put limits to ourselfs, instead of searching for a solution. It's about never be gone or never give up until we climbed or gold. And it's for those who doesnt think is possible to fly without wings. It's beautiful!! Hope you like it..!!! :) !!...

viernes, 29 de junio de 2007

Links to Cover letters information

Check on this links to look for grapchis design cover letters and make you'r own!! :) Hope it helps!!

How to Write an Effective Graphic Design Cover Letter

Jobs in the field of graphic design are competitive. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, designers in all fields, including graphic design, can expect keen competition in the coming years. An important way of distinguishing yourself during the application process of your job search is to craft a strong cover letter.

Writing graphic design cover letters that effectively communicate your skills is not an easy task. Following these tips will help ensure that your effort is noticed.

Read Job Descriptions Thoroughly.
This suggestion is deceptively simple, but many job searchers in their excitement to apply to a job fail to carefully read the job description and requirements. To effectively communicate your suitability for a graphic design job, you first need to have a good sense of what an employer is looking for.

Decide What Parts of Your Experience to Emphasize.
Based on a careful reading of the job description, decide what parts of your graphic design experience to emphasize in your cover letter. For example, if a potential employer is interested in someone with web design experience, be sure to emphasize your own experience in this area.

Be Creative.
Don't be afraid to express your individuality in your letter. After all, graphic design is a creative field and the individual reading your cover letter will likely be a creative professional.

During his job search, a friend of mine once related his experience in first-person narrative form, departing from typical cover-letter jargon to tell the story of why he was applying for the job and why he was a good fit.

Carefully Edit Your Cover Letter.
Even the most interesting cover letter will be tossed aside if it's filled with grammatical and spelling errors. Make sure your graphic design cover letter is grammatically correct and read it aloud to determine if it flows well.

These tips may not land you a graphic design job, but they can help you to secure an interview that leads to a job. A cover letter is the first contact a prospective employer has with you; make sure it's the best representation of your personality and experience.